
Air conditioning & central heating


Central heating

A central heating system heats your entire home. Although methods and types of heating vary, a central heating system always provides a consistent and comfortable heating experience. In addition, it is generally the most economical and ecological solution. Compared to wall-mounted heating systems, a central heating system can save you up to 40% in energy costs.

Like all central systems, you also benefit from air release and renewal, providing superior air quality by filtering out dust, pollutants, and microscopic debris.

Our experienced and specialized team will advise you on the central heating system that is best suited to your location, lifestyle, and needs. By offering a wide selection of Energy Star-certified systems, we can ensure that your heating system will meet your needs and exceed your expectations while reducing your environmental footprint.


Central air conditioning

Central air conditioning is the best solution available to you. The cooled air is evenly dispersed throughout your home, avoiding temperature variations while ensuring continuous ventilation and renewal of the air you breathe, while reducing humidity and preventing mold.

In addition, a central air conditioning system is virtually silent because the air compressor is located outside the house.

Incoming and outgoing air is filtered to remove dust, microscopic debris, and pollutants before being redirected to the rooms in your home.

If your home is not equipped with a duct system, our experienced team will install the duct system before the central air conditioning system. Our work is always performed according to the highest industry standards and using state-of-the-art tools and techniques, all while respecting the environment.