

  • NaviTech stainless steel heat exchanger and burner
  • Exterior unit for outdoor installations
  • Available in NG or LP
  • Cascading capable
  • Low NOx emissions (20ppm)

NPN-160E premium features and benefits

Exclusive NaviTech™ stainless steel heat exchanger. The NPN series is the first and only non condensing tankless water heater with a stainless steel heat exchanger to deliver unmatched durability and performance.

NPN – Exterior control panel allows you to adjust water temperature, operation status and troubleshooting.

Built-in Air Pressure Sensor (APS) monitors the vent system for blockage, automatically compensates for the range of vent lengths, helps maintain proper air/gas ratio during operation, and ensures consistent Domestic Hot Water output during changing conditions.

Patented NaviTech™ stainless steel burner. Designed and manufactured by Navien to burn gas at higher efficiency than other system on the market.

Recirculation control built into circuit board. Ensures proper system setup, and reduces the need for additional components, saving installation time and cost.

Built-in Water Adjustment Valve (WAV) and Mixing Valve control flow to maintain setpoint, and stabilize water temperature during flow changes.

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